Safety checkups

Service type:
$150 for any boat up to 40'
$250 for any boat above 40' and less than 60'
$500 for any boat above 60'
Prices include GST.
We undertake a visual check of the primary safety and seaworthiness elements on your boat and give you are report, via the "checklists" on our online support service.
We check that you have all the mandatory items on boars, such as life jackets and tethers, but also a items such as checking fire extinguishers and gas cylinders, EPIRBs are in date; CO detectors, bilge pumps and gas extractors appear to be working; lifelines appear safe and secure; mooring lines are not chafed...etc.
The checks vary depending on the type of boat you have but once you receive our overview we can organise any follow up you need.